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Shipping and Return Policy



All orders are processed and shipped within 48 hours M-F 9am-5pm PST. Orders placed outside of these hours and on weekends will be processed the following business day. However, we typically process orders within 24 hours of receipt.


Products are shipped out of West Coast fulfillment centers. Time in transit can vary depending on service level and location. A general guide to anticpated time in transit for basic USPS and UPS shipping is below. Packages arrive in 2-4 business days for most the country with 5 business days being typical for East Coast and Florida.



We stand by our products and carefully inspect each package before shipping. In the rare occasion that a return is requested, we will provide a replacement product free of charge.


We do not typically request for the product to be returned in order to generate a replacement order. In scenarios where we request the product be returned, we will provide a shipping label free of charge.


In order to receive a replacement, contact us within 7 days of your order being received. Please send a picture of the issue if possible as well.


We do not offer refunds for no-fault situations such as carrier losing package, theft, or weather damage once package is delivered. However, we will make exceptions on a case by case basis. â€‹â€‹

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